Resolve to be thyself; and know that he who finds himself, loses his misery.
Matthew Arnold
At The Crossroads
”The situation facing us is in many ways so grim that we may even seem to be approaching the brink of catastrophe. Mankind is at the crossroads. Unless there is some momentous change in human thinking, some great step forward into sanity, some turn about in the very centre of our consciousness, then we are faced with calamity. This is glaringly obvious. Therefore surely we are justified in trying to Think Big Thoughts’. Sir George Trevelyan…Operation Redemption
Sir George wrote these profound words thirty five years ago, and sad to say his vision of a momentous change in human thinking has not come to pass. In fact, the opposite is true and homo sapiens as a species is hurtling towards extinction…..
The End of the Age; Extinction Event and the Ascension Timeline
We are at the end of a Grand Cosmic Year. Twenty six thousand years have passed and the opportunity to transcend this reality and join the evolution of the life wave is on offer once again. But, each time humanity has reached this point in the past, our chance of ascension has been scuppered by a black lodge of psychotic hybrids that run the ‘loosh’ farm of the third dimension for their astral masters.
See my article ‘Meet the Firm’.
In the fours years of the reset Dec 21st 2012-dec 21st 2016, the satanic cabal is vulnerable….their frequency fences are overwhelmed with the information being broadcast by the indigo sun[See my article ‘The Occult Sun’] and so, they’ve geared up for this ‘auspicious time’ for thousands of years. They are determined to keep the frequency of the planet in a fear based mode, and so they are throwing everything at us. They are attacking our divinity with unrelentless horror, undermining our quickening love vibration, the ascension timeline with fear, the lowest survival mechanism of our implanted reptile mind. War is everywhere and glorified in all its bestiality, and to make sure we get the negative energetic hit, terror is duly regurgitated daily by the debased, satanic media, along with horrific images of cruelty to confuse and numb the senses.
Humanity under attack and attacking….
The destruction of our planet is underway and we are to blame. We are captives of the implant: the matrix mind called ego. We are blind, deaf and dumb to our dying planet, locked in a concrete jungle of fast everything…..
Where’s the shift?
We are being told humanity is waking up and the shift is on, but I don’t see an upsurge of awareness around me, and I come into contact with a lot of ‘so called spiritual’ people. They are still arrogant; still bickering; still pontificating; still stuffing the corpses of dead animals down their throats; still pushing their selfish agendas; still trying to emerge as ‘spiritually powerful’; still trotting out the same old platitudes that their way is the only way, and prayer and focus is all you need to ‘shift’.
This re-hash of hash is reflected in the alternative media. There are so many articles that tell us the shift is on…people are waking up, and we must focus our intent upon the this or that to change the world.
Yeah…yeah…but there is no substance or resolution in their empty rhetoric, and many of these motivational ‘spiritual’ writers don’t have a clue about how ‘to shift.’
So my friends, we will take a look at the first step to expansion of consciousness….it doesn’t come from outside…but inner space.
Man know thyself: then thou shalt know the Universe and God.
– Pythagoras
There is a lot of talk and articles written today about Artificial intelligence. We are told it’s going to take over the rule of our lives. …I beg to say that it already has, and this hell reality of survival at all costs is the false matrix world of an A.I… not our true nature. We think we are sovereign but we are not, we are mere automatons of the reptile mind; we have no choice but to obey when the ego, the implant feels threatened or the biological built in clock tells us it is time to shit, eat or breed.
When the body software secretes adrenaline…do we have any control over the sensation of fight or flight?
How about sex….the secretion of hormones that drives us into acts of madness, rape, paedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality and porn addiction? The falling in love syndrome that creates lots of little biological software bodies for the host to parasitize. Are we in control of the rose coloured glasses?
And so the misery goes on generation after generation.
Justification is like masturbation….you only screw yourself
“ As the means of extermination are improved, the means of reducing men who hold the state conception of life to submission can be improved to correspond. They may slaughter them by thousands, by millions, they may tear them to pieces, still they will march to war like senseless cattle. Some will want beating to make them move, others will be proud to go if they are allowed to wear a scrap of ribbon or gold lace.” Leo Tolstoy.
In other words a uniform…..
Life in this dimension is not a pretty picture…be in denial all you like. We are possessed beings, and the arrogance of the reptile mind can justify anything….literally anything. The murder of kids on a Gaza beach; the deforestation of the rain forest for hamburger on the hoof; drones killing civilians, geo- engineering….the list of humanities insanities are endless and everyone of them can be justified by the reptile mind.
Think about what you have justified to yourself when your heart has whispered otherwise.
What is this usurper of our divinity; this parasite that hurts us? It is an Alien Intelligence that blocks our multi-dimensional self and it is in panic mode. The heartbeat of the planet: The Schumann Cavity Resonance is speeding up, the A.I. cannot resonate with the new frequency and is insane…it needs an upgrade to survive or it will consume itself. This is what transhumanism is all about, an upgrade for the existing A.I. our individual matrix personality…the me and mine.
I call this all out war against everything, the matrix desperation…after all, the owners of the loosh farm don’t want the herd of robots to escape beyond the confines of the pen. It wants to take them forward into the a brave new world of horror, and it will succeed if man refuses to contemplate himself.
Opting out of the game
“He has no need for faith who knows the uncreated, who has cut off rebirth, who has destroyed any opportunity for good or evil, and cast away all desire. He is indeed the ultimate man.” -Gautama Buddha.
What does Buddha mean by the phrase: ‘who has destroyed any opportunity for good or evil, and cast away all desire.’
It means seeing the programme of the ego within oneself… and becoming aware of how it works independently of our true self.
See my article ‘The Game of us and them.’
The Art of neutral
When we see the machinations of the little I, and how it constantly plays a game of win or lose, we can withdraw our energy from the game, the drama and the conflict. We learn by observation to see the intruder parasite mind in operation, and with vigilance and practice can eventually bypass it all together….this is the triumph Buddha talks about when he says: ‘Who has destroyed any opportunity for good and evil’, and cast away all desire’. He’s talking about overcoming duality: to break the matrix programme in oneself.
‘The unexamined life is not worth living.’ Socrates
‘Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom’. Aristotle
‘He who knows others is wise; he who knows himself is enlightened. Lao Tzu
We all play the game of us and them…that’s our lot as long as we are stuck in our bodies, but when I enter the game, I like to chose what I play…and not be forced into polarity by a parasite.
Stay Tuned…
Heartstar Is A Series Of Four Books… One In Each Direction.
Only You Can Complete The Circle.
Read ‘Book One: The Key Made of Air’ And Begin The Journey.
Read ‘Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia’
Read ‘Book Three: Walking in Three Worlds’ NOW Available
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @
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July 18, 2015 at 4:53 amThanks for another stimulating set of insights
In my experience wisdom, the perspective of the ‘Sacred Neutral’ is the only way to handle this polarised expression of Reality
thanks for your integrity
July 18, 2015 at 2:41 pmHi Vicki, to try and stay at the centre of the charge ‘Sacred Neutral’ is the only way to handle this expression of reality.Thanks for your input. Indigo Sun hugs.
July 18, 2015 at 5:48 amBrilliant article Elva!
Calling out the dreamers!
Love it.
July 18, 2015 at 2:38 pmHi Iam, yes calling out the dreamers…the inter-dimensional bus will be pulling in soon. See you there.
July 18, 2015 at 9:15 amHello Elva, I agree with what you say about change in ppl. I see a false change do to ego placing it’s veil as always over our so called spiritual ppl. My heart tells me to hang in there. Work on myself. I just don’t waste my breath. I don’t hold back either. Thanks for hanging in there. Jeneece little brave
July 18, 2015 at 2:37 pmMuch love Jeneece. Keep holding sacred space for the prayer circle you do. Stop by for a cuppa if you are up this way.
Have you started sungazing yet? There is nothing like a one on one.
July 18, 2015 at 5:04 pmHi Elva,
Thank you for your great articles! Always so interesting…and gives much to ponder and look into further…
Something you’ve mentioned in the garden a couple of times…what does it mean that the 3rd dimension is the ‘fire’ dimension and what about the others??
Am going to purchase your book. Looking forward to delving in…
July 18, 2015 at 5:23 pmHi Nick,
Our reality is made up of five bands of moving power travelling at different speeds. These are interpreted as solid, fluid, heat, air and space. One of my recent articles explains how the body software[chakras] interprets these fields: I call it the ice cube effect: how H20 can be interpreted in five different ways. The three dimensions are the first three chakras and fire is our highest aspiration in this reality. We rely on the sun[fire principle] for life. Most people operate in the lower three chakras. I call these folk fractals, automatons of the reptile mind. Basically for these robots: if you can’t eat something, copulate with it, spend it, wear it, use if for pleasure/entertainment/research….its not worth having.
The heart is the fourth chakra and to recover our multi dimensional consciousness we have to aspire to fourth dimensional awareness. Indigo sun hugs Nick….I’m pleased to have been of service to you. Ask all the questions you like and I will try to answer them according to my experience.
July 20, 2015 at 8:00 pmelva
how come your book isn’t available as an e-book in the uk??
July 20, 2015 at 8:59 pmI don’t know Nick, but I’ll find out. Thanks for letting me know.
Much love….
July 21, 2015 at 12:39 amHi Nick,
Try this:
let me know if it still doesn’t happen….
Christer Nylander
July 19, 2015 at 1:22 pmHi Elva,
Very relevant article. I believe that I have an adequate recipe to transform our civilization, but very few are interested to discuss it. My ebook “Why and how to upgrade human collective wisdom” is free and can be downloaded at my website. It is condensed and require some thinking between the lines.
We need several new alternative ideas how to proceed, and they must be fairly down to earth, even if they are global in scope, and they should preferably be focused on our inner capacity. The observable world will always be a reflection of our individual and collective wisdom.
If you like my book, you are free to spread the word.
All the best,
Christer Nylander
Lund, Sweden
July 19, 2015 at 2:48 pmThanks Christer, I will check out your book and spread the word.
Christer Nylander
July 19, 2015 at 7:32 pmMany thanks Elva.
Linda Copping
July 20, 2015 at 4:14 amyou are bang on, the bad news is coming fast and furious and its time to be bold faced about the truth
July 21, 2015 at 4:29 pmLove this, Elva. It amazes me constantly that people believe they can be “spiritual” and still consume corpses! Eaters of death=promoters of slaughter.
I embrace life, use my beautiful tuning forks, and often spirit-visit your beautiful garden. Thanks for the 528 video. Watermelon tourmaline hugs!
Love, health, and peace to you and yours, always.
July 21, 2015 at 5:31 pmAs you know the ego can justify anything….I’ve heard so many people say.’I couldn’t give up my meat!’ My meat indeed!
Watermelon tourmaline mega hugs to you,sweet lady. Lots of beautiful flowers in my garden…come visit all you like.
Indigo sun hugs…..
July 23, 2015 at 12:03 pmGreat articles Elva lots of food for thought on this site, I feel it important though fellow souls to realize that eating meat or not has zero impact on how spiritual we are, zero impact! We are all spiritual beings incarnate, regardless of what we eat, I promise this beyond doubt, as I’ve ate as I pleased all my life, smoked on and off, smoked cannabis, tried all drugs etc with only minor affect to my separation process during one, this is just another face of the ‘us and them’ complex. The heavier the compounds you consume, the more physical u are at that time, meaning, controlling your frequency output will be more challenging, tho this is good training for your focus for when u ‘need’ to get out, like a boxer wearing wrist weights during training. You are all deeply spiritual beings, and we needn’t place guilt on others for their conditioning, love to all, ns.
July 23, 2015 at 1:45 pmThanks for your comment Neil.
I guess it depends on what you call ‘spiritual’. I think eating the rotting corpses of animals that have died in fear has a tremendous impact on spirituality and our rate of vibration. The ego can rationalise anything as being ‘spiritual’…even eating dead bodies!
But like everything it is a matter of personal choice.
Much love.
July 24, 2015 at 8:16 pmThankyou for the correspondence, indeed the ego can justify anything, and complete loss of that tool leads to ocd, airy fairy idealism’s and unnecessary judgement of others, the difference of of meat and plant is only a matter of complexity in structure, a mushroom is closer to being a meat than a plant, yet grows from the earth like plants, plant eating creatures consume thousands of insects in the process of leaf munching, humans like to draw lines where there aren’t any like the lines on a map, a form of ego justification all the same. Nothing we do here makes us less spiritual, energy flows from top to bottom not vice versa. Notice how evolved Robert Monroe is, a second last timer, he ate meat like it was going out of fashion, smoked etc. The thought forms we create decide how free or imprisoned we are,’meat=bad’ is a separating thought form/belief system. Peace and love all. 🙂
July 24, 2015 at 8:49 pmHi Neil, I really understand what you are saying…my point is this: we are energetic beings chained by our software to a very narrow band of frequencies…five in fact, that’s why we have five fingers and five toes…
If we want to transcend the frequency of kill or be killed, then we have to speed up our rate of vibration to the next level outside of the construct.
It’s not for everyone and it doesn’t matter because for many souls the third dimension of constant ‘win and lose’ will always be their home.This is a matter of choice for every one of us…
The killing and eating of a dead animal is again a matter of choice, but metaphysically it is a disaster for anyone who is trying to raise their ‘spiritual’ awareness. For when one eats the fear fields of an animal, they take on negative anchors, and the naked aggression of the killer! It is becoming obvious that there are three types of people on the planet as one would expect in a duality. Those engaged in both sides in the war of us and them…the do-gooders and the bad-doers…they are all part of the matrix programme.
The third is fourth dimensional awareness having a third dimensional experience. The real carers…those who feel the heart hurt when beauty and awareness is destroyed. We are looking for answers, for many of us know we don’t belong in this hell world.
If you have a pool of clean water…what happens when you throw a bucket of fear and suffering into the mix…would you say nothing happens?…or does everything happen.
I don’t care what you eat, seriously that is your affair, and I appreciate your comments because they allow us to discuss matters that are vital to our evolutionary understanding.
Much love to you Neil.
August 14, 2015 at 10:46 pm“The real carers…those who feel the heart hurt when beauty and awareness is destroyed. We are looking for answers, for many of us know we don’t belong in this hell world.”
That’s very well put, Elva – I find myself in your description.
In regard to chemtrails, I am astonished that hardly anyone seems upset by the desecration and defilement of the once beautiful skies; or by ugly brutal architecture in our cities; or the degraded and debased picture of human kind being put forth by the high priests of scientism – to name but a few things in this benighted “hell world” that greatly sadden me….
The sense of being a far cry from home is overwhelming too, sometimes….But I still try to focus on what is good in life as much as possible. The earth still seems like a very beautiful place – and I have difficulty believing that it was initially created by evil – it has certainly been ruined somewhat.
Btw – Did the Gnostics believe that the material world was created by an evil Demiurge for purposes of parasitism? Or that it was later hacked and corrupted by the Predator? – not sure what the Gnostics believed – that Sophia created the earth by mistake, in error?
I can’t eat meat either – gave up when I was a teenager.
Thanks for your articles – will endeavor to keep neutral and as positive and happy as possible….
July 25, 2015 at 10:00 amYour plight is wonderful, and intentions clearly pure, I would much rather I lived in a world with people more like yourself around, with the aim of reducing suffering to the lowest possible level collectively and individually. No doubt the meat industry has much to answer for in the methods used, and their drive is without doubt stimulated by the system we are long overdue for growing out of: The monetary system. The majority of our being is not conscious, only the conscious part is locked into the narrow bands u speak of. Only our ego will limit us to valuing positives over negatives, because we see so much suffering we revert to the opposite polarity in the hope of balancing out the situation, but this too is an un-necessary attachment. Death is not a negative but our conditioning and survival imprint makes us believe it so. Here is an example of how the conscious mind distorts truth: The aids virus was created by our collective higher selves as a reaction to incredible population increase, the human populace was becoming obsessed with physical existence and the family culture, our ego’s would never wish this awful disease on anyone, and our polarised conscious minds scurry to find cures and preventatives, but from the perspectives of our higher selves, this disease presents massive opportunities for our collective growth, it allows people to live for years facing certain death meaning there is more chance of them turning their focus away from physical reality, into other possibilities/realities, also this disease gives millions of relatives, friends and professionals the opportunity to express unconditional love to those suffering. We are experiencing an immense teaching machine together and have grown to prefer certain polarities over others due to our conditioning, I may seem cold with these words but hot and cold are polarities and I’m just trying to remain in the neutral gear where truth resides before it is split into a duality. I’m aware I’m becoming a bit of a fly in an ointment here and do not wish this and apologise for any offense caused, I’m so glad sites like this are sprouting up before the total monopolization of the internet, peace and love. X
September 3, 2015 at 4:00 amI think you are describing the tension in creation in ways that would/could/can/should appeal to most seekers who have some “beef” with churchianity.
Blackcat Mendoza
December 19, 2015 at 7:14 pmThank you for an inspiring article, leaving me much to assimilate and ponder. The Web is like a Butterfly, it lands in the most unexpected places, continually opening new experiences…
On a lighter note (it’s all a question of balance) Woody Allen, misquoting Trevelyan, has a cynical perspective on the future of Humankind: “More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness; the other to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.”