“There may be a great fire in our soul, yet no one ever comes to warm himself at it, and the passers-by see only a wisp of smoke.”
― Vincent van Gogh
The mirror dimension of spiritual fire.
In my last article, we investigated our physical reality and connection to the two Suns. Cosmic Law teaches that in a dual world everything has an opposite polarity, so let’s explore the mirror world of spiritual cosmic fire: a realm of archetypes and sentient energies both dark and light.
In the mirror world, we find elemental spirits that in the ancient world were called gnomes(earth), undines,(water), salamanders(fire) sylphs of air and beings of space. The five elemental tribes occupy what the Lakota call the Skan Fields: the five pulsating waves of power that ‘moves that which moves.’ The unseen force of spiritual fire that animates and holds all form together in this dimension.
The hidden world
Elementals or faeries exist in every culture; the Jinn of Islam, the Sidhe of the Irish, the Seelie Court of the Scots, the Wiwila and Cun Otila of the Lakota, the Asuras of the Hindu tradition, Fe of the Danes and Fee of the Germanic tribes. The elemental realms share the same space as our own reality, but operate on a frequency that is outside of our ability to decode. The ‘unseen worlds’ are hidden from our sensory awareness due to the sabotage of our psychic sensors – the pineal gland(third eye) and the crown chakra.
The most powerful elementals are the spirits of fire both positive and negative for this is a fire dimension.
Fire elementals – the Jinn
God said:“Indeed We created man from dried clay of black smooth mud. And We created the Jinn before that from the smokeless flame of fire” (Quran 15:26-27)
Evidence of the Jinn or elementals of fire can be found in the Old Testament, the Talmud and the Qur’an. From the Old Testament texts it would appear that King Solomon acquired his fabulous wealth and wisdom from his alliances with evil spirits – the Jinn. Using necromancy and wielding his magic ring, Solomon forced Asmodai the prince of demons to help him build the Temple.
The Qur’an also records stories about how Solomon harnessed the power of the demons (jinns) for his ambitious and demanding construction projects.
What are we to make of this?
Billions worship the Abrahamic religions in one form or other. Bow down to those who practiced sorcery; summoned evil spirits to gain wisdom, occult knowledge and power over their enemies. It is said that Solomon had a glittering palace of gold, seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. Sex, conquest, wealth and power are the lusts of the Jinn.
The Jinn are negative fire elementals and they torment mankind. Not the burning brimstone and pitchfork mob, but something much more insidious – the Jinn torture our minds, our thinking and emotions. They are shape-shifters, illusionists and seducers of our thoughts, and therefore our reality.
In Islam it is believed there is a Jinn assigned to every human at birth. These ‘flyers’ are the tempters that stalk us throughout our lives…haunt us in dreams of terror. They are the shadow that we see from the corner of our eye, the chill that makes our hackles rise. They are especially attracted to young people coming into puberty. Their vampirisation of the energy created by the secretion of sexual hormones sometimes explodes physically in pyromania. The unconscious setting of fires has been recorded in children as young as three years old. It’s inexplicable and no ‘expert’ has a clue to the reason. But, spiritual science teaches that the Jinn attach to trauma and from their demonic point of view…the earlier the better.
Spontaneous human combustion is also the handiwork of the Jinn…just like stomach ulcers burning our flesh from inside.
The Jinn are the negative aspects of fire and are energetically attached to the beast brain, the root of negative fire.
The root of negative fire
The R/complex or beast brain
“In order to keep us obedient, meek and weak, the predators engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver – stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist; a horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Through the mind, which after all is their mind, the predators inject into the lives of human beings whatever is convenient for them.” Don Juan.
We as a species are unconsciously controlled by the reptilian complex, the beast brain or the predator as Don Juan calls it. The primary function of the beast brain is survival and replication. When the beast brain perceives a threat, an almost instantaneous sequence of hormonal secretions is triggered that flood our awareness with primal fight or flight. We have no control over our autonomic functions… no say in the matter… and people worry about AI !
The four F’s
The beast brain controls the four Fs: the need to feed, to fuck, to fight or flee. Its attributes are fear, greed, sexual compulsion, mania, aggression and violence. All animals, birds, reptiles and insects are biologically programmed to survive and breed…that’s all we are in the matrix…breeders complete with all the chemical hardware. In other words we are programmes.
Our reality is fractal. “As above so below.’ and, just as ants farm aphids for their honey, man farms animals for his degraded palate…and the kicker is…we are farmed for our emotional energy – farmed by Lucifer and his legion: the Jinn.
“Hell is empty. All the devils are here.” William Shakespeare.
In a reality ruled by devils, it is not surprising that we live in a manic, hyper-stressful world. We have been engineered to want more of everything and many people are pushed to their limit, physically, financially and mentally. We are ruled by the clock, constantly under pressure to make ends meet, to keep up with the Jones’s…
Consequently we have become compulsive and irrational, and our resentment often explodes in bursts of violent behaviour either verbal or physical. Road rage is a good example of unconscious behaviour triggered by our beast mind. When someone cuts in front of us on the road, the r/complex sees it as a threat, an invasion of personal space and without thinking about what we are doing, we act aggressively, swear, shout, gesture with our middle finger, and maniacally blast the horn.
What we are unconsciously doing is trying to establish dominance over the other road user and be the alpha top dog. All of us at some time have acted out the pecking order programme of the beast mind…never realising that our rage and adrenaline rush are feeding the Jinn, and they incite us to keep it going. That’s why we rehash negative events over and over again…
Masters of Manipulation
Fire spirits are intelligent beings and masters of mind manipulation. They are formless fire wave forms in their natural state, but they can shape-shift into any form they want. They are stealthy, and invade our thinking without our knowledge. They keep us distracted with their thoughts of power, sex and getting for self; confuse our minds and inflame our passions, stretch our endurance until we lash out at those closest to us. They are the voice that eggs us on…incites us to take a course of action, especially something socially unacceptable, cruel, criminal or dangerous.
Alcohol and drugs
One of the reasons alcohol is banned in Islamic countries is because drinking ‘spirits’ leads to possession by the Jinn – the gulh or ghouls. Drinking makes us brave and aggressive. We lose our inhibitions and too much booze unleashes the beast within us. How often have we heard someone say after a family member under the influence of drugs or alcohol has done something dreadful : “I don’t know what got into him/her. It’s not like him/her at all. So out of character.”
When we abdicate our rational mind, the Jinn step in – they possess us and make us do the unthinkable so they can get their rocks off.
Spirits whether benign or evil are attracted to us through sympathetic resonance. If we are spiritually awake, earth based, compassionate people, then only the good Jinn will be attracted to us. These beings are sometimes called guardian angels…but as we know in this fire hell of duality and division, the constant ‘pull and push’ on our emotions makes it hard to stay centred, calm and collected.
Dispelling the predator
“The grand trick of those sorcerers of ancient times was to burden the flyers’ mind with discipline. Sorcerers found out that if they taxed the flyers’ mind with inner silence, the foreign installation would flee, and give any one of the practitioners involved in this maneuver the total certainty of the mind’s foreign origin. Don Juan
The predator thrives on our emotional negatively charged thinking, and it will keep triggering the event for as long as it can to savour and suck up the energy. But once we realise we are being energetically manipulated by a hostile installation we can do something about it.
Understanding comes in small steps
The first step to ‘the out of here bus’ is drop the ball of conflict. Remove ourselves from the game of opposites: me versus you and us versus them. In other words stay neutral. Of course in acts of violence against life we must respond in the moment, but think of all ‘the other peoples problems and intrigue’ we get involved in.
Think about how are ego reacts to criticism and the ill will and fiery feelings that follows…..
Second, is to listen to our thinking – you may be surprised at how angry we get… we fly off the handle over the slightest thing. When I feel upset, I always ask myself who is it that is upset – is it the eternal I or the self inflated ego – the front man for the Jinn?
And last but not least try and spend sometime in nature, reconnect with the world outside the gates of banality – take up a spiritual practice and cultivate a quiet mind. No negative signal means no food for the Jinn and they will eventually move on to more fiery pastures.
Folks! We are being played with and it’s time we put an end to the game.
Breaking down of the matrix
“Well my gun fires seven different shades of shit, so what’s your favorite color, punk?”
― Gerard Way.
Dec 21st 2012 marked the end of the current Cosmic Year, a cycle of twenty six thousand years. The matrix has to be reset for the new age, the next round on the misery go round. The awakening of thousands of people to the real truth about our world shows that our AI installation is also breaking down. We are becoming aware of the voice, seeing how it controls our emotions – seeing it for what it is – a malicious computer programme.
Creating a new matrix for the next Grand Cosmic Year
It seems to me, the reptilian hybrids that control us are starting their new virtual reality matrix programme for the next Grand Cosmic Year. With it will come another devolution for our spiritual awareness, and connection with true Source Creator….think micro chip. This understanding easily explains the inexplicable: the insanity going on around us: the poisoning of our air and water; the controlling of our weather, the plundering of our earth, the wholesale slaughter of other life forms, gmo’s, flouride, chemical trails, 5G and bullshit science.
Spiritual science teaches that at the end of every Grand Cosmic Year evolution takes place…ascension to a higher frequency of being. But the rulers of this hell world are using digital technology to block the cosmic ascension information in an electro-magnetic smog. Make no mistake… full spectrum dominance of our awareness is the next step on the Luciferian/Jinn agenda.
But we don’t have to be part of it.
We can walk our own path back to Source if we align ourselves with life – drop the ball of conflict, have no harmful intent to living things and above all else …refrain from eating the dead bodies of murdered sentient beings.
Let’s break free from the matrix cocoon and fly to freedom.
Much love until next time.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=G57GfJPkLaQ Renegade trailer
Stay Tuned…
Heartstar Is A Series Of Four Books… One In Each Direction.
Only You Can Complete The Circle.
Read ‘Book One: The Key Made of Air’ And Begin The Journey.
Read ‘Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia’
Read ‘Book Three: Walking in Three Worlds’ NOW Available
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar
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Alan K
May 3, 2019 at 5:58 amI would say that Don Juan is a good source in this area, but also a good source on elementals is the material conveyed by Daskalos (called the Magus of Strovolos). Enjoyed your article, thank you.
Carolyn Heppner
May 3, 2019 at 9:22 amOnce again PROFOUND!!!!! <3
May 4, 2019 at 11:30 amMuch love, Carolyn💖
Doc Martin
May 4, 2019 at 3:03 amAs always, BRILLIANT Auntie.
Thank you for helping each of us to remove some of the veils. I love you I appreciate you I honor your wisdom.
May 4, 2019 at 11:29 amHugs Doc and thank you.
May 4, 2019 at 10:16 amNot read it fully, on a quicky. But looks brilliant. Nice picture of Mithras. Much of a conversation later.
Love you, not my place to say, but you are doing fucking good. 💖
May 4, 2019 at 11:52 amLove you too, Crow💖 Thank you for asking me to write about the Jinn.
Jeff Baker
May 8, 2019 at 12:47 pmElva – The Jinn are easier to see when you have built up your vibrational rate much high than their vibration. They have a hard time getting close to you. As a goddess of light once said “never let your guard down while in the human form” (it was something close to that). I always stay aware and keep my vibrational rate high.
May 8, 2019 at 4:13 pmHi Jeff,
Elementals attach to our energy fields through resonance. If we can drop our baggage, negative emotions of fear, anger, envy, jealousy and the rest of trauma based feeling, the ‘bad guys’ have nothing to attach to. I have had a lot of experience with both polarities and my second book The Gates to Pandemonia describes their appearance, realms and attributes. Anything you would like to know about them feel free to ask💚
Jeff Baker
May 9, 2019 at 7:41 amAbsolutely the fear, anger, envy, jealousy opens us up to be attached by these spirits. Any time a nasty thought comes to my mind-if I am in the presence of someone who is possessed by these entities or even someone who makes you angry for whatever reason – I don’t attach myself emotionally to them. I I send healing energies to them and myself immediately. This gives a calming effect to all that is around me until I can get away from those energies.
I have always seen spirits pass near me out of the corner of my eye since I was young. Now I see the nastiest ones as a dark/black silhouette and usually no closer than 20 feet away. They used to get closer when I was full of fear and anger.
I see faces and beings all the time in tree trunks/branches/leaves-rocks-plants-especially the clouds.
I have seen shape shifting in animals and humans – The human experiences were not so nice – one was so violently angry with me, but I just walked away without engaging with him. 5 minutes later I looked over to where that person was and they were not to be seen.
The birds(especially) and other animals are always around me and warn me when something is not right. I’ve learned to stop and go another direction.
Looking forward to your next article – Elva.
May 10, 2019 at 9:20 amYeah I get the black forms passing out of the corner of my eye, too, Jeff.
Jeff Baker
May 10, 2019 at 8:17 pmThanks Ariel – It’s good to here from others that know and see the same as yourself – Good to here from you again. From all that you have posted you have had a fantastic and fulfilling life. Are you still living in your trailer? From the pictures I have seen in the past you look and seem very happy.
May 11, 2019 at 1:06 amHi Jeff,
Validation is always good.
Jeff Baker
May 11, 2019 at 7:07 amYes Elva – We need validation and feed back always. It’s our sonar as you know. I always need to know which dimension I am currently at since I have found myself switched to another dimension up to several times a day – not lately though.
When in those other dimensions I will notice something new or missing – be it people or other things. It’s the missing things that just are not there and you have check the same location several times and It’s not there. Eventually it shows up later in that same place. Or it could be people that are not around and you know someone is missing, but just can’t place them. They always show up in a different dimension/reality(which there seems to be an infinite amount.
May 11, 2019 at 7:15 amYes to the trailer, and it all seems very normal to me….like the military saying….long periods of hanging about doing very little interspersed with short bursts of frenetic activity. I guess the main message would be, ‘you have to pay attention,’ and then act on what you have understood or osmosed. Be prepared to sacrifice respectability and consensus approval. No herd immunity for us. Just those words tell you what the self-justified and pompously proclaimed ‘authorities’ think of us. And where they want to keep us.
Jeff Baker
May 11, 2019 at 2:06 pm💓to Ariel & Elva
May 12, 2019 at 1:07 pm“My wireless transmitter does not use Hertzian waves, which are a grievous myth, but sound waves in the internal aether…” — Nikola Tesla
May 12, 2019 at 5:41 pmGreat comment. Thanks Bri.
Jeff Baker
May 4, 2019 at 10:17 pmThis is well written Elva. It mirrors most of what I have read on this subject.
What you wrote here is very important – “have no harmful intent to living things and above all else …refrain from eating the dead bodies of murdered sentient beings” Thanks Elva!
May 4, 2019 at 10:49 pm💖to💖Jeff.
May 6, 2019 at 3:03 amelva, I had to chuckle when I read
That mr. Super Ego , Kanye West ,
Is making a tv. series about himself ,
Exploring the Ego of West in alternate
Realities , called Omniverse . Apparently ,
He’s collaborating with writer
Lee Sung JIN !…..
May 6, 2019 at 11:11 amHugs Mark💚….dead give away; Lee Sung JIN! Coincidence?
May 6, 2019 at 10:34 amThere has been a bit of stuff online lately quoting Rudolf Steiner and others correctly predicting that the time was coming when vaccination would be directly used to block the connection to the soul, paticularly for newborns who would thus never even be able to CONCEIVE of such a thing as divinity or anything beyond the material….such ARE DEMONS..
As you are pointing out, it is NO coincidence that the extant technological landscape….the visible…has changed so drastically since around 2012, and we are now facing the advent of what is basically a crowd control/active denial weapon/mass murder weapon diguised as the ultimate CONVENIENCE. Along with vaccines, GMOs, pesticides, fluoride, biphenyl plastics, 2/3/4G…etc.
I told Amanda who owns the place here that if 5G came here I would personally destroy it.
It is THAT time, folks.
I suppose I would like to point out that the only song of which I am aware which mentions ‘me,’ was written by the other guitarist in two of my 70’s/80’s bands. the song was called ‘Situation in Geneva.’
It concerned a trip to Rome for a gig where we stayed on the way with a Russian friend of mine in Versoix, Geneva. Dave said he was afraid to drive with me to Rome because ‘my aura burned him.’ In the song, he called me ‘fire spirit, out of control,’ so perhaps I ought to declare a personal interest in the above subject.
Van Gogh was wrong, quite a few people came to warm their hands on my fire, over the years. I guess the elite didn’t like him, or he was just too magnificent for the critics of his time. I had large posters of ‘Sunflowers’ and ‘Starry Night’ up in my Merc truck at one point. Apropos, the writer’s accreditation of the lyric sheet of ‘Vincent’ lists 2 other names IN FRONT of Don Maclean’s. The same is true for ‘American Pie.’ I still have copies.
I got the name and staff when I was 20, but it took quite a long time to figure out what to do with it. I avoided the Western Hermetic lot like the plague, except when I bumped into them. They didn’t have the feelgood factor.. I’m just pointing out that life is a lot STRANGER than we think we think. That ‘this is the time’ we have been expecting when the whole duality/polarity is fully EXPOSED, so we have to carefully assess our compliance and complicity. What do we need to do to PRACTICALLY raise our vibration? What is weighing us, holding us down?
I gave up eating the flesh of animals in 1969. Meditate, meditate, MEDITATE. The inner voice started whispering that into my left ear when I was 18. ‘You must meditate.’
Live in nature PERIOD!
I suggest treating all aspects of MONEY as if it is RED HOT and CORROSIVE….very carefully. Money being the Magic Spell used most for social control….just add a ‘k’ and make MONKEYS out of us….’MOON-EYE – MOON-KEY.’ Juno MONETA. aka SEMIRAMIS, godess of the above.
It automatically fosters greed, corruption and competition. It’s the tool they have used to set up the system as we presently experience it, but you can be sure that WORSE is in the pipeline, waiting in the wings………so the time to b ready is NOW. Let go of whatever is bringing you down. Get off social media and avoid trivia and trivial conversations and relationships. Make sure you get enough exercise and follow a good clean diet. We eat wild salad based two-thirds of the time at the moment. The extra CO2 has improved available quantity by one third.
Stop believing ANYTHING MSM tells you. The dissociative shock will only be worse when the TRUTH is revealed. Try Antonin Artaud’s ‘Sirius Rising.’ The said he was ‘mad’, but they said that about Vincent, too.
May 6, 2019 at 11:08 amStraight to the point, Ariel. Thank you
Did you know that they are sending 5G balloons into the stratosphere to give rural areas faster and better connection to digital reality – the next matrix in the making. The serpent gods of the ancient world are here, shape – shifters that look human. War is on the horizon and soon the press gang will be forcibly taking people to fight their sacrificial wars. Push is just about to come to shove.
Much love, Ariel💖 spectrum.ieee.org/tech-talk/telecom/internet/internet-balloons-and-drones-look-to-rise-in-the-5g-era
May 18, 2019 at 6:40 amWar is here. The battle never ended. Those of us who lost are just waking up. That is what they fear.
May 10, 2019 at 8:58 am1933 is an instructive date. The wilful destruction of the firmament is their ultimate wet dream. All the information needed is within and without. The principle actors are hidden in plain (2nd) sight.