Thou art a symbol and a sign
To Mortals of their fate and force;
Like thee, Man is in part divine
A troubled stream from a pure source …
Lord Byron. Poet, Playwright (1788–1824)
The Stanford Journal of Neuroscience published an article by Adrienne Sussman called ‘Mental Illness and Creativity: A Neurological View of the ‘Tortured Artist’. Vol I. fall…..
Tis all a Chequer-board of night and days
Where destiny with men for pieces plays
Hither thither moves, and mates and slays.
And one by one back in the closet lays.
V.49 Fitzgerald’s Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam.
The Eternal Game of…..
Toy bewitched.
Made blind by lusts, disinherited of soul,
No common centre Man, no common sire
Knoweth! A sordid solitary thing
Mid countless brethren with a lonely heart
Through courts and cities the smooth savage roams,
Feeling himself,…..
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