“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” Tesla.
“The world of imagination is Infinite and Eternal, whereas the world of generation and vegetation is finite and temporal. All things are comprehended in their Eternal forms in the divine body of the Saviour, the true voice of Eternity, The Human Imagination.“ William Blake.
Over the years, thousands of people have visited my house for various ceremonial events, and although many profess to be spiritually orientated, I have found very few that have experienced meaningful encounters with the unseen worlds.
Many are so consumed with intellectual materialism that they have lost touch with intuitive imagination and the subtler faculties of perception and as a result, the spiritual realities are lost to them.
William Blake knew well that the acute development of intellectual knowledge was achieved at the price of losing touch with the spiritual worlds. This narrowing of vision prevents us from seeing and uniting(energetically) with the One Life. Instead we stand against and over nature. Our cold intellect forever experimenting on living things, cutting and dissecting them into smaller and smaller pieces with no respect for the being within the form.
This is why mankind is sick. We have been engineered to focus only on physicality. Our spiritual worlds have been hijacked by fear based control religions, and delusional guru led cults that tell us what to believe and how to live.
It is time to break the chains of physicality and think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.
The body electric – everything electric
Everything that exists in our physical world is made up of a positive and negative charge, frequency and vibration. Our reality and our bodies are electric. Eyes, ears, nose, tongue, skin are merely interfaces, ways for our bodies to convert the ‘outside world’ into an electromagnetic wave form that creates our thoughts and feelings. Electric charge is the glue of reality. It holds everything together. And the frequency of the electric life charge is about to change.
Momentous times
We are at the end of a Grand Year and everything is in chaotic flux. Changes will take place on every level of our being…physical and energetic. We are in a time of transformation and transfiguration as incoming cosmic frequencies mutate our dna. The spiritual opportunities that are manifesting within each one of us will expand our awareness and our understanding of Self.
This is an exciting time to be alive.
In a duality there is always an opposite charge, and so it is with mankind.
For eons, there has been an evil force that has enslaved and experimented on the human family. And this force that has turned many of us into heartless monsters….is very much alive. And, through its puppets has launched an energetic attack on our psyche.
Picking up the speed of attack
The attack on the integrity of our physical and spiritual reality has picked up speed in the last 50 years. There has been a technological revolution with all the world’s governments in lock step.
Electromagnetic fields are beamed down upon us from cell towers, gravity wave emergency network towers, wind farms, and satellites. Our electrical selves are choked by an infernal smog designed to block the cosmic signals of revelation and liberation. The rise of the smart devices, we have been engineered to think we all need, are destroying our circadian rhythms, interfering with our natural electromagnetic modality. We are being bombarded with harmful radiation.
Are you getting the picture? Our energetic integrity is under attack.
The cell phone
Cell phone technology has taken over the rule of human life. And, the powers that be want all of us enslaved by it. They are trying to make sure that we cannot survive in their new dystopic reality of smart everything without their control device, their universal credit system and their world digital currency.
All things convenient
Most people are totally reliant on their cell phone. It houses their music, their photographs and videos. Their bank accounts, their contacts, their business, their entertainment. I mean…it’s a world unto itself and if we are not careful, the device will define who we are.
Glued to a little screen
I see it all around me. People are glued, stuck to their small pulsating screens like barnacles on a rock. Their whole world has become embedded in manufactured electromagnetic signals. Many are so absorbed by the machine and its realities, that they walk out in front of traffic and get run over. And how many accidents…lives lost or bodies maimed because of some one texting on their cell phone. There is nothing wrong with cell phones per-se as long as we don’t become so addicted that ‘the machine’ takes over our lives.
How many times a day do you check your cell phone? Do you carry it on your body? In your pocket next to your gonads or near your heart. Do you sleep with it next to you? If so, what electromagnetic damage is it doing to your organs, to your dna and to your consciousness?
Do you see where this is going?
“The continuous checking and/or utilization of smartphone applications for prolonged periods is associated with stress, withdrawal, anxiety, sleep disturbance, decreased physical activity, poorer academic performance, and deterioration in wellbeing. Several studies have shown an association between time spent using smartphones and the severity of musculoskeletal complaints Moreover, studies have reported the harmful impact of smartphones on neck and upper extremity function: the neck becomes more stressed due to the overuse of smartphones, leading to neck muscle weakness. It was reported that the prevalence of neck pain ranges between 17.3% and 67.8% among smartphone users, and the lifetime prevalence is 55.8%.” National Library of Medicine
Oh! Mirror…Mirror…
Digital zombies
Billions of people spend hours in the mind numbing virtual world of the internet and social media platforms… scrolling, commenting in virtual chat rooms, and escaping from reality with mindless entertainment. The convenience of electronic communication is actually a spiritual curse. We have become digital zombies and its about time we woke up to it.
The serpent spell
Karl Schwab said that the digital world would become more satisfying and alive than this one. And it is happening just the way it was planned.
I think a new matrix is being created to replace the old one that expired on December 21st 2012…and the younger generations are being sewn into the fabric of a new order.
Change in frequency
What they don’t want you to know – it’s not me, not you or co2.
There’s a lot of hot air being spouted right now about climate change and a move to green energies which are just as pollutive as fossil fuels. Insanity is in control of this world…playing god and trying to control the weather. Man in his arrogance thinks he is the centre of the world but he is not. The sun is the big boss of this dimension.
The sun’s heliosphere is changing frequency and as ruler of our solar system everything changes with it including our planet and every living being on it. In a magnetically changing world we have to get up to spiritual speed, expand our intuitive capabilities to understand the incoming cosmic frequencies…how it affects our consciousness and resonate with it. This force has many names, the Shift of Ages, the Rapture, and the Evolution of the Life Waves. The video on electromagnetic amplification with this post is a must watch. It allows us to learn about the cyclic planetary and astrological events that affect our consciousness and all life on earth.
Perfect timing for an electromagnetic block
It is interesting to note the timing of the digital era, cell phone addiction and the elite’s electromagnetic onslaught on human consciousness. Immersing all life in a dissonant, incoherent electromagnetic soup coincides precisely with the Shift of Ages, the Rapture and the Evolution of the Life Wave. The elite’s agenda is to trap us in the world wide web. Block us off from the NOW! Block us off from the spiritual evolutionary energy flowing through our solar system.
Is that an accident or by design?
I think you know the answer.
So dear friends, check yourself out. Ask yourself: Am I addicted to digital reality? Do I binge watch shows? Am I addicted to virtual reality games like 20 percent of the US population? Do I don my headset at every opportunity and escape into a fantasy world? Do I escape the traumas of life with a bottle, pills or drugs?
Because if we are to grasp the amazing spiritual opportunity at hand, we have no time for escapism. The run is on…..
The new frequencies enveloping our planet are liberating. Our dna is changing and as the cosmic wave flows through us it is my understanding that the electromagnetic shackles on our pineal gland our crown chakra will fall away. We will vibrate faster than the matrix of visible light. We will be free of the re-incarnation cycle.
Love on its infinite journey will be ours.
There is no time for escapism. We must be mindful and fully present in the Now.
The cosmic bus is pulling in. I’ll see you there.
Until next time,
Much love.
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar
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September 23, 2023 at 8:03 amBrilliant as always!
I observed in your article how they are using people’s addictions to cell phone use as a catalyst to transmit the electromagnetic energy that enslaves people into the digital, virtual reality. As people use their cell phones, they are fulfilling on their own enslavement. The more they use them, the more enslaved and unpresent they are.
Awesome stuff!
September 23, 2023 at 10:10 amThanks Iam. I just wanted to make people aware of the spiritual danger of a virtual digital world.
September 23, 2023 at 3:17 pmI guess it’s time for:
’21st Century TECHNO-PRISONERS’.
Ummm….’smart phones’ are in NO WAY HARMLESS.
I don’t know about you (in general and /or in particular) but in the last decade and a bit since I came back from living in the Alpujarras with next to no EMF , I have experienced an incremental increase in sensitivity, in terms of different kinds of pain in the bones, joints, lungs, (it interferes with breathing) and forebrain. With some phones i could ‘physically?’ SEE incoming phonecalls as a clear river of energy, burning its way across rooms to the receiving phone.
I have 2 EMF meters to hand as I write this but they are only capable of 200Mhz-8GHz, above that and they are ‘maxed out,’ and you DEFINITELY SHOULDN’T hang around whatever is emitting plus 6V/M and 100000 microwatts per square meter. And if it’s YOURS put it in A Faraday cage , a metal foil bag will block the usual 2.45 GHz of the previous phones. You can check for leakage with a meter.
On ethernet my computer is NOT EMITTING. If I have to use WiFry I have to turn it off after a bit. It’s too uncomfortable. Like being squashed internally.
Weapons of Mass Distraction indeed!!!
All the youngers here are glued to their smartphones. They just don’t seem to be aware of the effects (yet?) For them, the spiritual aspects of this (or anything else) don’t seem to exist. Addiction, convenience, entertrainment. They don’t seem to see through the veil, they paradoxically just CAN’T make the CONNECTION. More later.
September 23, 2023 at 6:34 pmHi Ariel, Yeah! The youngers have had it. Being sewn into the electromagnetic fabric of the new matrix. Nothing can be done for them. They will be quite happy in their 15 minute cities with their novel ‘chip’ that tells them what they need to buy and where they can go. It is what it is….
September 23, 2023 at 6:35 pmHomo borgiensis…new species.
September 24, 2023 at 5:18 amHello Ariel, You’ve just described my response (reaction?) To EMF. Similar to you, I can accurately tell the number of WiFi hotspots active in an area. There’s this one time some years back a friend and I climbed a hill to get a panoramic view of the surrounding area. On top of the hill was an array of cellphone towers. I noticed as I got closer, my breathing became shallow. At about 600 yards or so, as we approached the array that was perched at the summit, I felt as if my heart and brain were being squeezed. That experience spoiled what was going to be a good hike and since then, I avoid approaching anything resembling a cellphone tower. And like you, I use WiFi in short spurts when absolutely necessary.
I have of late adopted a largely raw foods diet and I’ve noticed a reduction to EMF sensitivity, though ‘once bitten twice shy’.
September 24, 2023 at 11:56 amThe house wifi transmitters emit beams according to their paperwork effective for 25 kilometres in a straight line. The thing is, we have to consent to it by using the devices, turning them on is consenting.
As my ‘Down, Down, Down/Game for Fools’ puts it in vs 3 and 4 (It’s on Youtube)
‘It’s not what their selling,
It’s what you’re buying.
Way-too-smart phones
cancer supplying. (Yes we CAN-CER)
Red Lights flashing
Brain cells frying
Systems crashing
Are you Dying?
Products way too hot to sell
Tumble from the shelves of Hell
Down down down down.
4) It’s not what you expected
It’s all so user-friendly.
The poison’s undetected,
Your comfort zone is deadly.
And when you sign the contract
They never will explain you
they’re putting you in contact
with Demons that will drain you.
You just gave your consent – in writing to the govern-ment.
Down down down down.
This is just a game for FOOLS, You don’t understand the RULES.
Down Down Down Down.
Yeah we eat raw/wild salad in rotation with steamed veg, with rice in both cases. That is a salad based on wild plants commonly known as weeds with added grated carrot sliced red onion beetroot and radish. It helps to have a direct conversation with the earth. I have prepared wild salad at Elva’s.
September 24, 2023 at 6:02 pmYou sure have, Ariel. I’m into fermenting right now. Got a bunch of garlic going. fermented sweetcorn salsa and fermented cabbage with ginger. Got to keep the gut in order(Grins)
September 25, 2023 at 4:25 amphwoar ,,,, open a window !
how the hell do you plan to
offset your methane fartprint ?
September 23, 2023 at 3:21 pmPS They may use your smart phone to kill you.
September 24, 2023 at 11:06 amI have got used to tinnitus sounding like
a thousand tiny bells in my head . I quite enjoy
the way they pulsate with the strength of my heartbeat ..
at least I know I’m still alive . I feel grateful to be here
now , but wouldn’t fancy being a young incarnation .
there is a little gang of teenage boys here , who
I have known since they were toddlers . they
have resisted indoctrination and jabs , but
do smoke ganja , go fishing and skateboard .
unlike the local girls , they have not succumbed
to the i phone trend , so they are my glimmer of hope
for any future in this slowmotion , controlled societal collapse .
September 24, 2023 at 6:03 pmThat’s good to know, Mark. A glimmer of sunshine in a gloomy place.
September 23, 2023 at 3:51 pmAnd it’s ‘Klaus,’ like ‘Insanity Klaws.’
September 24, 2023 at 12:07 pmSalad dressing Extra-virgin olive oil balsamic vinegar lots of turmeric and black pepper.
I wrote this song a decade ago.
September 27, 2023 at 2:35 pmThere is a battle going on and the ‘smart’ phones are the weapons against us and especially our children. It is as our kids were in a dream and don’t want to see the reality (if we can call it like that). They are trying to fight against everyone who get on their smartphone-way. Sad as they are their own prison guard blocking themselves into the new digital reality or internet of things.
I like to see children playing outside, making kites or whatever, at least here they still spend time in contact with nature… I am kind of hoping for a big EMP style sometimes like in the series “Falling skies” but maybe coming trough the sun.
And I am thankful for the new energy coming through.
Much love to everyone
September 27, 2023 at 2:56 pmLove you, Peony.
Here’s a link to an amazing mystical interpretation of the ‘mark of the beast.’ It is wonderful. So uplifting, so informing, so resonant. Awesome.
The first few minutes show John’s amazing work in Tanzania. Lot to unpack. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kCAUsp6d9s
John talks about 666 and 144,000 both add up to 9 our conscious awareness in completion. Synchronicity in action.
September 28, 2023 at 12:42 pmYou feel it too. That’s partly because we have accepted that we can only change ourselves, Peony, and are becoming STREAMLINED , and as our sensitivity and psychic abilities and awareness increase in preparation for what happens next. Our INTENTION and INTENT got us this far.
No matter how well intentioned we might be, or worse, THINK we are. struggling gets us nowhere. This frees up quite a bit of energy..
The children are being given/indoctrinated into/the technology VERY early on, sat in front of screens and not yet a year old, even, and the parents seem entirely unaware of what they are DOING. Constantly on it themselves, ignoring the simplest safety parameters.
There is now this COLOSSAL DIVISION running through human society, and we are on one side of it., whether we like i or not. It is part of the Spiritual War., part of being HERE, on this Earth/this Flat Earth level/this SIMULATION/planet/whatever. To be/do what we are here FOR.
The Mark of the Beast has quite a few contenders, and I’m not sure that there is one chief contender, quite a lot to choose from the Vaxx/ Graphene /mRNA/toxins/ the Passports/ CBDC surveillance currency/ every kind of digital device/ ‘smart’ everything and anything. But at least we can communicate with each other.
And that’s a blessing among other blessings.
September 28, 2023 at 3:13 pmGreat comment Ariel.