The Shift of Ages
In the Isha Upanishad, xv we read: “The face of truth is hidden by thy golden orb, O Sun. That do thou remove, in order that I who am devoted to truth may behold its glory.”
It was with reverence that I gazed the rising and setting sun on the four days of the Winter Solstice…..
Center of Attention November 27, 2020 / Iam Saums
“Energy flows where attention goes.”
Self as Center:
We cannot blame ourselves. It happens to us before we even understand what awareness is, let alone how it is best practiced. As children, we are programmed by our parents, family, teachers, ministers and society before we can draw distinctions of what is and is not social conditioning. We are told it is for our own…..
In my last article we talked about removing negatively charged individuals from our lives. So why is ‘house clearing’ so important to those on a spiritual path?
Because it is important to resonate with the Source field at this time of momentous change.
The coming changes
Astrological Ages come and go every two thousand years or so, but…..
“I have found little that is ‘good’ about human beings on the whole. In my experience most of them are trash no matter whether they publicly subscribe to this or that ethical doctrine or to none at all. That is something you cannot say out loud, or even perhaps think.” Sigmund Freud.
Crazy times, folks. It seems we have entered the…..
Assembly Required November 2, 2020 / Iam Saums
“Until we discover who we are, we can never be who we need.”
Prelude to a Vision:
After 49 years on this earth, 25 I consider intentionally conscious, I felt inspired to envision what I would express to all the “usual suspects” of the assembly in a State of the Union scenario. Fully understanding the classist, elitist, superiority filters to which most of them desperately cling, my expectations, though justified, are…..
The Big Why and Other Observations by Zen Gardner
This is a hot button question that continually lurks behind the scenes of life’s garish activity and all of its ongoing drama.
It touches on free will, purpose and meaning, and all kinds of deeply philosophical issues. Yet it is a very simple, everyday question…..
The Light Side of A Dark Age by Guest Writer Zen Gardner
By apparent design, everything is crumbling into dystopian madness in the social matrix. From a gas lighting media now dutifully swallowed and parroted by a brainwashed majority, like expanding ice in the cracking pavement of the social fabric, to mind blowing cognitive dissonant…..
The White Book by Guest Writer Ariel Alexander
I want to thank all of you, everyone and everything who made this work possible.
I have smoked this moment with the Sacred Pipe we made here this year. (1995)
I dedicate this work to the 5th World of Peace, to the WHIRLING RAINBOW,…..
Teach: – From vulgar Latin insignare, from Latin insignire, derived from signum (“sign”): to put a mark, to signal a thing. -Train someone in knowledge.
To educate: – (14th century) From the Latin ēdŭcāre (“to educate, train, produce”). In the 18th century, it was a scholarly neologism criticized by some authors: “The language is getting better every day: we are starting to educate children instead of raising…..
“It may be that some little root of the sacred tree still lives. Nourish it then That it may leaf And bloom And fill with singing birds!
Hear me, that the people may once again Find the good road And the shielding tree.” – Black Elk
Dystopic reality
Are you wondering what the…..
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