One for All
Guest writer Iam Saums
“Survival is the deception of humanity.”
Society of Self:
The dynamics of social reality are designed around the individual self. Survival is the modus operandi enforced upon us long before we have the cognizance to observe let alone transcend it. The distinction between surviving and thriving is as significant as living from our…..
“If we cannot end now our differences, at least we can help make the world safe for diversity. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children’s future. And we are all mortal.
[Commencement Address at American University, June 10 1963]” ― John F. Kennedy
“The world’s 7.6 billion people represent just 0.01% of all living things, according…..
“At a certain point the spiritual seeker always hits a certain stumbling block. Some insidious external force is relentlessly opposing spiritual progress. Traditionally it was blamed on ill-defined, malevolent beings like demons and devils. Almost all mystics have encountered them. These beings are real, and people in the past knew they existed, but did not understand who they were. We…..
The Human Cymatics Vibrational Wave Machine by Zen Gardner March 12, 2019
Man, are we ever being directed! Moved around, sifted and sorted, purged and purified, as much as we’ll allow. What an amazing time!
We need each other, and amazingly we’re finding each other. Cymatics is such a fascinating field, how resonant vibration literally moves molecules into…..
‘Chance is but a name for Law not recognised’ The Kybalion
Unconscious creation
A life lived of choice is a life of conscious action. A life lived of chance is a life of unconscious creation. – Neale Donald Walsch
If most people were asked if they lived a conscious life they would probably answer yes – is it not self…..
Do You Really Want the Truth?
Guest Writer Zen Gardner
What if pursuing and finding the truth costs you everything? Everything you’ve cherished and held dear?
We have to let go and say goodbye to something to welcome something new. That’s not always easy. And then the next challenge comes.
What if doing so blows your belief…..
Blinded by the light, we find sight in darkness by Guest Writer Peony.
“Everything is double …Everything flows, inside and out …” Hermes Trimegistus
I do not know how it was for you, but I often have the impression of moving forward in this incomprehensible and strange world…. like a blind person. When we arrive in this world we…..
Peace At The Edge of the World by Zen Gardner
What a strange world we’re living in. It’s wonderful we have other dimensional realities we’re anchored to, but this is one weird place. People around the “whirled” are being tossed about like trash on an angry sea. Everything just comes at us and there appears to be no one at…..
The Neglected Power of Freedom by Zen Gardner
The degree of freedom to consciously make our own decisions in life is something we’re continually waking up to. It’s similar to living in the now. We keep trying, knowing it’s right, and making fresh runs at it daily to live in the moment more and more fully, either by conscious decisions…..
Time – The Illusory Phenomenon
By Zen Gardner
It’s been wisely said that coming here to live in this 3-D reality is an opportunity. Whether we’ve been here before many times around or are just new, it’s a golden opportunity to experience, learn and evolve. This reality we find ourselves in apparently is a slowed down and densified experience, for…..
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