“The Lips of Wisdom are Closed, Except to the Ears of Understanding.” The Kybalion.
Definition of chaos: anarchy, disarray, discord, disorder, lawlessness, pandemonium, tumult and turmoil.
It looks like the world’s ‘new normal’ is moving at break neck speed into limbo land. Life has been ‘put on hold’ and it is unclear what will happen next. But one thing…..
The Center of All by Guest Writer Iam Saums. October 15, 2021 / Iam Saums
“At the center of the universe dwells the Great Spirit.
And that center is everywhere.
It is within each of us.”
– Black Elk
Societal Drift:
Where we are trending in society is evident. We are preoccupied with self-centered beliefs, desires, interpretations, perceptions and realities, as we are in their defense. Most of…..
The Death of the Ego by guest writer Peony
What is dying ?
I have already died several times.
I lost a part of myself every time.
Believe it or not. That’s also how I learned, how I changed.
Pain kills. The head no longer works. The pain takes over and then spreads to the rest of…..
September 17, 2021 / Iam Saums
“Social reality is the exploitation of life.”
Anatomy of Realism:
I am not a conspiracy theorist, at least I do not consider myself one. Though I find it interesting how the common theorem behind its existence is scientific and critically psychological in contemporary society. Decades ago, the term “conspiracy theory” was concocted by the very authoritarian organizations attempting to pull the wool over the eyes of the world for the sake of…..
“I am no one, and I am everyone…”
My given name is William Howard Post. That’s what the birth certificate says. I was named after my Paternal and Maternal Grandfathers William Post and Howard Saums. When I first began studying in The Fourth Way School, my fellow students began calling me Iam, which is the last 3 letters of my first name. I would later discover the name Iam has Celtic…..
I, Caterpillar by Guest writer Zen Gardner… Re-posted.
When the caterpillar metamorphosizes into a butterfly it first stops everything, wraps itself into a cocoon, and turns into goo. When humans hit this process, that’s pretty damn dark, discouraging and soul challenging.
And downright frightening.
All previous orientation goes out the window. We’re lost and seemingly helpless…..
Humanity on its knees
“Fearlessness is the first requisite of spirituality. Cowards can never be moral.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
It seems to me that the world is in free fall. Everything is inverted, and as the matrix fails at the end of the Age, lies have become the currency of life.
The under…..
What Will It Take?
July 16, 2021 / Iam Saums Guest Writer
“Reality is a virus.”
Gone Viral:
When the pandemic began, one of my relatives asked me if I was surprised at how many were affected. I responded, “not at all.” After their further inquiry, I made the comment, “most people’s financial wealth is a greater priority for them than their personal health.” Sad but true. I have realized we are collectively conditioned, exploited and integrated into social…..
Changing times
In today’s reality, change is happening so fast we can hardly keep up with it. The ‘unimaginable’ is staring us in the face, and we feel powerless to act as we are swept along by the will of elite bureaucrats and their minions. Mixed messages from the controlled media and self serving, barely conscious politicians have…..
Political Shamanism by Guest Writer Mick Garnett
This article will examine pre-modern shamanic societies, focussing specifically on the South American regions of Guyana and Venezuela. Part of the reason is that shamans and shamanic practices still have an influence on these nations’ politics and societal culture. By the end of the seventeenth century the multiethnic social systems of these…..
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