When meadow larks no longer sing, and blue bell woods become a thing of memory…my heart bleeds.
When downlands and fields that once teemed with the living pulse of life, now lie dead and silent under concrete offices, leisure centres, and blocks of high rise flats…. my heart bleeds.
When beaches are lined with trash, dead fish and sea creatures choked with plastic, and smothered by discarded face masks… my heart bleeds.
When coyotes are gassed, wolves shot, bears trapped just for being alive, and the road to town is littered with dead turtles, birds, coons, skunks, deer and other wildlife …. my heart bleeds.
The curtain is falling
I’ve spent most of my life fighting for the rights of animals. I’ve seen some horrific cruelties that could only be carried out by monsters…and I have felt the pain, the helplessness, the soul rending depression of not being able to change things.
My heart has bled for a long time.
It’s impossible for us ‘carers’, to flip a switch and turn off our emotions and our pain. And, for some of my friends in animal rights, the pain was too much and they found release in drink, drugs and suicide.
I turned to spiritual reality for understanding…..
My beloved sister/daughter – the brown hare. How her sacrifice changed my perception of reality.
Read my article https://www.heartstarbooks.com/hare-worship-in-the-ancient-world-2/
A spiritual understanding
It was a cold, wet day in February, and we were out sabotaging the hare hunt. It was late in the afternoon; the hare was tired and the hounds were moving in. The police were present in numbers, hired by their masonic bosses to keep us coralled and under threat of arrest, if we tried to intervene.
The hare got caught in the corner of a field and as the hounds rushed towards her, she screamed and screamed..it sounded like a baby. I was devastated, and the sound was ingrained in my memory. I felt sad for days.
I talked to Sir George about my feelings. To me, a scream is our instinctive reaction to attack, to vocalize our terror and pain, but in this case, he had a different perspective. One that was far from my thinking – and one that I questioned immediately, as we do when faced with information contrary to our programming. The ‘yes, but!’ syndrome.
One life -one common soul
‘One common soul lives in the entire animal group. As your ten fingers are members of your hands, so are all wolves members of the wolf group soul.’ Rudolph Steiner
Sir George told me that the animal kingdom is based on mutual sacrifice. That it is an interdependent duality/reality that keeps balance in the natural world. What we have been conditioned to believe is cruel, red in tooth and claw is not true at all. Only man is cruel.
Predator and prey are spiritually linked, they are both sides of the coin of life. One cannot exist without the other. Spiritually or energetically, they are not separate entities, they are one. And, when a prey animal is injured or stressed it will automatically call the predator to finish it off.
It is our ignorance, conditioning and split brained duality that distorts our mirror of seeing.
I understood what Sir George had said intellectually, but it didn’t resonate in my heart as a knowing until years later.
Given the understanding
I was living on the reservation, and one day we were out visiting our relatives, when I heard the same heart rending screams, the same cry, I had witnessed on that cold, wet day in February. A vision of the cornered hare flashed before my eyes, accompanied by feelings of rage, helplessness and heart hurt. I must have shown signs of distress because our host asked me what was wrong. Turned out, it was his son trying out a coyote lure…whistles that are used to imitate the wailing squeals of wounded jackrabbits or hares…. screams that draw a predator.
Spiritual disappointment
Not long after, my experience with the coyote lure, I watched a short film called Nature by Numbers. The content of the video changed my way of thinking about nature…it wasn’t real or natural in the way I thought it to be. It was a construct, an intelligent design made of fractal geometry.
The understanding that creation was/is mechanized, and based on the Fibonacci spiral, the Golden Mean and Phi was a spiritual disappointment for me at the time. It knocked me for six!
I still don’t know why the understanding upset me so much. Perhaps it took the childhood wonder out of my life but like all revelation, it has led to a deeper understanding of the nature of reality.
For more information on the geometric, fractal reality that we live in, see my article https://www.heartstarbooks.com/shattering-the-illusion-of-reality/
Who stole my energy? And where is it?
Nature is fractal geometry – and the question I asked my plants as they grew was – what powers you – gives you brilliant life?
Science tells us that we as a species only operate on 10% of our DNA – a fraction of our original instructions. They tell us that the other 90% is junk !?
The 10% that is available to us is our conscious awareness of self, a narrow spectrum of experience, that resonates on our instincts, emotions, and carnal need/greed.
Its sum is the personality bubble of the I.
So where is the other 90% of our original instructions…. the powerhouse of our multi dimensional infinity?
The ten percenters
I don’t think there is any doubt that we are genetically modified organisms. Just think how much of our spiritual energy is missing from our awareness – 90% !
The 10% doesn’t give us much to operate with does it? But perhaps it explains why we can’t access our third eye, and our crown ‘corona’ chakra. There is so much about Self that we don’t have a clue about.
Siphoned off
Could it be that the 90% of our missing multidimensional energy is being siphoned off and used to invigorate and enliven the bio-diverse, geometric creations found in nature. And, that self replicating biological software… bodies whether covered in skin, fur, feathers or scales, are deliberately engineered dna constructs designed to trap and vampirise Source energy.
All matter is evil
The Gnostics and other communities like the Cathars held the view that the world of form was created not by good but by evil. It may well be, that the god we have been indoctrinated or coerced to believe is loving and compassionate… is in truth a monster. A heartless geneticist…a vivisector who created all species and imprisoned them in a very narrow spectrum of visible light that we call the universe. https://www.heartstarbooks.com/all-matter-is-evil/
And before you dismiss this as ridiculous, ask yourself what diseased mind created the duck billed platypus?
And used our divine source code energy to bring it alive!
So how did we end up in duality?
I sense that we were once, non polarised walkers of infinity…then we were hijacked and separated into two beings by Lucifer/Zeus, the god of this fake creation. We are told in the bible, “Male and female, he created them.” We were genetically split into two polarities, two sexes. The Zulu shaman talks about this event in his talks with David Icke.
When our awareness became dual – a separated reality appeared, the third dimension of outside and inside, up and down, and birth and death.
Do you see this?
Why were we separated?
Quote from Robert Monroe-Far Journeys.
‘From experience, the Collectors have evolved an entire technology with complimentary tools for the harvesting of the Loosh from the Type 4M [i.e. human] units. The most common have been named love, friendship, family,greed, hate, pain, guilt, disease, pride, ambition, ownership, possession, sacrifice–and on a larger scale, nations, provincialism, wars, famine, religion, machines, freedom, industry, trade, to list just a few. Loosh production is higher than ever before…
Robert Monroe the father of out of body experiences called this vampirisation The Loosh Rote. Se my articlehttps://www.heartstarbooks.com/meet-the-firm/
It would seem that the parasite feeds on the emotional energy of the ten percent which is sense bound consciousness, so perhaps it is time to turn inwards, focus on spiritual reality. New frequencies are flooding our awareness and many can feel a change in energy as earth enters her time of spiritual acceleration.We are in a time of transfiguration and deep soul experiences as we connect with the essential essence within all life.
I write about my spiritual lessons and understandings in the hope that they will be helpful, resonant and thought provoking for you, my reader.
Be excited….
What is the knocking? What is the knocking at the door in the night?
Is it somebody wants to do us harm. No, no, it is the three strange angels.
Admit them, admit them.
Until next time. Stay centred and in love with your life.
Stay Tuned…
Heartstar Is A Series Of Four Books… One In Each Direction.
Only You Can Complete The Circle.
Read ‘Book One: The Key Made of Air’ And Begin The Journey.
Read ‘Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia’
Read ‘Book Three: Walking in Three Worlds’ NOW Available
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @ amazon.com/author/heartstar
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February 12, 2021 at 5:28 pmHugs Jeff,
You inspired me to write this. Much love to you.
Jeff Baker
February 13, 2021 at 12:37 amThank you Elva. I have the same feelings as you about the cruelty to animals. I wonder if animals are cruel to other animals because of Humans? When I lived in Florida I occasionally came across birds entangled in fishing lines and hooks as I walked the beach and helped untangle them when I could.
That 90% of DNA is opening in many people as I write this. Not as many as I wish, but enough to change this world into a more sane and loving world than we are exiting.
I believe we were separated because of our own Ignorance – When – Hmmm💜
February 13, 2021 at 7:55 amHugs Jeff,
That was Sir George’s point. Animals are not I conscious so why would they deliberately set out to be cruel to each other. Only humans are cruel…. nature is a programme and the animals are instinct driven biological software powered by our stolen energy. They are innocent. We are guilty.
Jeff Baker
February 13, 2021 at 9:36 amElva – I was referring to when see a fox snatch up a hare or other animal for for – same for many other animals that kill other animals for food. When did that begin in this world and who started it?💜
February 13, 2021 at 11:43 amHugs Jeff,
The predator/prey programme began when the third dimension of duality was created. A record of this creation is in Genesis 1. How the thing that called itself a god created this world. Then we are told he created us in his image…”male and female he created them.” That means that god was probably male and a split genome. The scriptures continue: ‘now you have become as one of us, knowing good and evil.’ That’s a very revealing statement. It implies that before he genetically modified us we were whole beings and did not exist in duality. There is the fall in density.
Credo Mutwa the Zulu shaman talks of a time when women did not menstruate and there was no moon. He talks of the people being sexually separated by the Chitauri – the gods of old.
I think the third dimension of constant conflict/polarisation was constructed so that human beings could be parasitised for food…or maybe our emotions are like heroin and our handlers are addicts.
February 13, 2021 at 11:48 amThe construct is fractal starts small like ants farming aphids right to the top of the food chain…we farm animals and something is farming us.This dimension was created specifically for us. Our aspects have been separated in line with duality and projected outside of self. That means that to live in this hell world we have to cannibalize our aspects…in other words eat and prey upon Self. This is the root of suffering. We have to see this construct for what it is and find the doorway out.
Jeff Baker
February 14, 2021 at 4:51 amThank you Elva😊💜
February 15, 2021 at 8:36 am‘Humans’ mostly believe that everything else which is ‘sentient’ thinks like them.
February 13, 2021 at 9:29 amThanks for writing this, Elva. Your feelings seep out of every word.
Many of us have these feelings. It will make us question more, and so take less for granted. It does look very much as if we’re trapped in a ‘quasi-realistic’ computer-type program. However there are glitches which appear to be a form of what is called ‘Grace,’ when you absolutely can’t go on, and suddenly everything ‘miraculously’ changes. sometimes they seem to be purely ‘educational,’ in that you are being shown/told that the ‘RULES’ are not necessarily what they seem.
But I totally agree. Our inner work MUST be stepped up now, as an antidote to what is going down and as collectively the wool is successfully pulled over a large proportion of humanity’s eyes.
February 13, 2021 at 12:56 pmHugs Ariel,
Gosh! I know about those ‘synchronistic miracle moments’. I think when we hit rock bottom and have nothing left to lose, we have the ability to tap in to our ‘super power complex’ and vibrationally instantly change our situation.
February 15, 2021 at 8:39 amMissing: Most of the butterflies. No hedgehogs for about 4 years. Toads have also vanished.
The swallows still come back to roost and breed in the Long Barn.
February 15, 2021 at 8:54 amHugs Ariel, it’s hard to deal with the loss. I love hedgehogs. I remember they were every where when I was a kid. The thrushes had disappeared from my area in the early eighties…slug pellets killed them. It’s horrible.
But it is to be expected because we are living in the destructive phase of the matrix. And, it’s all illusory even though it seems so real.
Love you much!
February 15, 2021 at 3:58 pmHugs Ariel,
I was thinking about a quote from Chief Dan George: “One thing to remember is to talk to the animals. If you do, they will talk back to you. But if you don’t talk to the animals, they won’t talk back to you, then you won’t understand, and when you don’t understand you will fear, and when you fear you will destroy the animals, and if you destroy the animals, you will destroy yourself.”
We as a species are becoming estranged from our aspects, and this drive to involve us in a’new digital reality’ is manifesting. The old matrix is breaking down…and has to be replaced for the next round.
As hard as it is, we have an innate knowing of what the energetic shift means, and how to become the vessel of that force.
It’s all good. I can see a hedgehog anytime I like…recreate the many meetings of the soul we had.
Much love.
February 13, 2021 at 2:36 pmAfter living in a Wild , 3D .
Hieronymus Bosch painting
For the last 500 years , we are being
Relocated to a 2D . M C Escher linocut print for Now .
Those of us who survive the Transfer ,
And still want to play , Will ,
In a flat ,black ,white ,World..
February 14, 2021 at 6:44 amNow I Love Eschers pictures..
But do not fancy living in one .
Bosch is Bad enough , thanks …
Any Multi Dimensional Artists out there , or
Will Only Independant , Individual , Imagination Win ?
February 15, 2021 at 5:50 pmNature never did Betray
The Heart that Loed her…someone wrote .
Talk to the Birds and the Bees , the Stones and the Trees .
It Truly Is All Good , in the Mother hood….
Let’s get the Paints back out !
February 16, 2021 at 7:28 amPowerful article Elva!
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences!
It is unfortunate how blaphemized we have become from nature.
I keep getting the message to be as nature, emulate and embody.
Nature is. We aren’t.
February 16, 2021 at 8:02 amAnimals are still here nothing really disappears. This morning one of my dog was playing with a toad in the garden. Some animals I can feel them before seeing them and the others I call them, like this morning I call the hummingbird and he came they always make me smile. Actually I speak more to animals than humans ♥