Beyond good and evil
“All things by immortal power. Near or far, to each other linked are, that thou canst not stir a flower without troubling of a star.” Francis Thompson
I want to follow up on my last post and revisit the Art of Visualisation’ because it is the master key in the modulation of reality. If we wish to protect whales from the soulless and we cannot be physically present, then we can support the whale hunt saboteurs with the power of our unified spiritual force. The power of life not death.
That Art Thou
Have you ever imagined being another creature? To merge and become one with – to see through their eyes – share a heart beat?
My first spiritual contact was with a caged circus tiger and I came away in tears. I was eight years old and the experience is one I have not forgotten. The filthy cramped conditions, and the emotional desolation of that once magnificent animal is indelibly printed on my mind.
Only One Life
Every living creature whether it be animal, bird, fish, tree or stone is infused with Source energy. When we see reality as an inner experience rather than an outward projection, we become aware that there is no separation in inner space. In the wholeness of the inner world, we are all One in essence, and electromagnetically connected to all physical manifestation whether furred, feathered or scaled. It’s the same supreme power animating many different forms. Everything in our reality is conscious, is vibrating and alive…. and everything is connected. This understanding of electromagnetic connection to all manifested life opens the doors to contacting all of creation. As Steiner says: “Man is a symphony of the created word.”
Saving the whales
Cetaceans. Dolphins, porpoises, and whales all belong to a group of marine animals known as cetaceans. They are highly intelligent beings and like all mammals, cetaceans are warm-blooded, breathe air, and suckle their young. The fin whale is listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act and depleted under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. NOAA Fisheries and its partners are dedicated to conserving and rebuilding fin whale populations.
Between 2006 and 2022, exactly one thousand fin whales have been killed. This statistic is all the more tragic, given that the fin whale is the second largest animal on the planet. Each whale is special in its own right of course, but a creature this size also plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the marine ecosystem.
Meanwhile, one Icelandic arsehole is determined to slaughter them….
A psysabb: To be adept at psychic sabotage or modulation of reality
All magical proceedings begin with one thing: Visualisation.
Visualisation simply means creating an image of an event in inner space and powering it through repetition. When the visualisation – the thought form or clear picture of what you desire takes on vitality, it is then released from our energy field into the ‘real world’ of physical manifestation. This art is as old as mankind and utilised by the satanic elite to keep its stranglehold on the spirit of man.
Creating a thought form – contacting the whale archetype.
To contact a Fin whale we have to find out everything about it and become familiar with its size, colour, elegance and grace. We then build a picture of the whale in our mind’s eye and power that image in inner space by ‘imagining’ we are the whale. We feel our streamlined body gliding through the sea, and rising to the surface to blow and breathe. Imagine contact with the whale mind and merge into the One Life….just let go. Commune….
The hunt begins in June, so we have three months to practice, to strengthen our spiritual powers and increase our ability to warn the whales and stop the hunt.
The practice
Two days before the hunt begins, we focus on the thought form of our whale. It is our personal doorway to the archetype. We show this ‘King of the Fin’ what is about to happen to its aspects through a series of projected pictures. We show the whale spirit, the face of the lead whaler, the whaling boats and the intentions of the evil men who pilot them. We ask them to leave the area and go to a safe space. There to wait and once the hunt is over to return.
After we have projected the information to the whale spirit, we will wait until the night before the hunt and then visualise and project a storm. The video with this post will give you the atmospherics necessary to create a thought form and project it. Feel yourself almost blown off your feet by buffeting winds, hear the roaring of the sea. Let it ring in your ears. This is all that should be in our minds. No scenes of destruction, or sunk boats. Don’t let the thinking mind try to lead you on a revenge job. Negative thoughts will only add to the whale’s problem. Our mission is to become the storm and stop the boats from putting to sea. What the spiritual realm decides to do is not our business.
Releasing a thought form – a common mistake
Magical undertakings, especially visualisation and projection can be so energetically compelling that we find it hard to disengage completely…come to a full stop. The mind tries to hang on to the thought form, hang on to the projection. Having worked so long on building a thought form complete with all sensory aspects, it is hard to just let go of it…but we must if we want to succeed in our mission. If our thought form becomes involved with thinking and we keep thinking about it after we thought we had projected it, it will not be released from our energy. It will stay in inner space and not get the chance to manifest in the physical world.
I have developed a technique that helps me release projected energies. Immediately I have projected my image, I distract my thinking mind by singing, throwing myself into the sound so my projection gets released. It only takes the blinking of an eye….but let it go, we must. Whatever works for you. Maybe practice visualising and releasing.
Guys we have to trick the mind. It has been in control for too long.
Operation redemption
When we have mastered the art of visualisation and projection, we enter a new phase of conscious spiritual experience. A unity with All. A force that can never be conquered. It doesn’t matter if they lock us up, because for the mind of All there are no bars. As Sir George says in his wonderful book Operation Redemption :
“Of course we must fight our campaign to modify and change the evils that have arisen through human greed and ignorance. But the first essential is the inner change in understanding which will bring with it something of the poet’s sensitivity of knowing that we are truly one with the beings and processes of nature. Then we shall know that we hurt ourselves when we hurt the animals. We begin individually and collectively to redeem the huge karmic debt with which our souls are loaded through our maltreatment and exploitation of the animal kingdom. Let us never forget that cruelty is indivisible. In the oneness vision, we all share the responsibility and must start from within ourselves and our own environment to bring about the great redemption. And be sure that there is a great spiritual brotherhood on Higher Planes which will support our every effort.”
As Don Juan says: We don’t need anyone to teach us sorcery, because there is really nothing to learn. What we need is a teacher to convince us that there is incalculable power at our fingertips.
So, let us put our fingertips together… If you are on facebook, friend Paul Watson of The Sea Shepherd and keep up with the latest developments.
Thank you, Rainer for this story.
This is a little story of a Native American man as I remember it:
I have a wooden box with more than twenty whistles that was passed on to me by my grandfather. He was a master playing those whistles and imitating all kinds of birdsongs with them. As a matter of fact he said that through the whistles he was able to communicate with the birds. When I was a young boy I often spent the summers with my grandparents. They lived on the reservation, way out in the country on the Great Plains. One day my grandmother asked me, “Would you go and fetch grandpa for dinner, please? It is about ready. You should find him across that hill over there.“
I strolled off and when I reached the top of the hill I saw my grandfather sitting downhill in the grass under a single tree. He was playing a whistle creating a beautiful birdsong and I stood and watched. Then after a little while I could not believe what I saw. My grandfather turned into a very pretty bird and flew into that tree. I was very scared and confused and turned around to rush back to the house. Gasping for air I pushed the door open and saw my grandfather sitting at the table with my grandmother!
I am able to play a few of my grandfathers whistles, but not quite as good as he did.
Be a light in a dark place
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @
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March 8, 2024 at 6:46 pmWe can do this! Much love to all.
March 9, 2024 at 4:49 pmi already live in W(h)ALES, or CYMRW.
The Welsh for ‘whale’ is ‘moran.’
‘Morfil/morfilod (pl) covers cetaceae more generally. ‘large sea mammals.’
But being Welsh is often used for ‘whale’ regardless, anyway.
March 9, 2024 at 7:37 pmLove you much, Ariel.
March 10, 2024 at 4:58 pmMy identification with the Fin whale is coming on apace, or perhaps a few strokes of the massive tail.
March 10, 2024 at 7:21 pmExcellent. I been storming(Grins)
March 15, 2024 at 2:01 pmWhat are whales? What are elephants, come to that? Large creatures, both
It used to be said that whales are record-keepers, that they are the repository and holders of the true and accurate history of what has taken place at this frequency/level, which of course would, for some ‘people’, be a perfectly valid reason for wiping them out.
Whales are warm bloods, the largest beings not on earth, living permanently in the psyche, except coming to the waking world, the ego’s daylight world, to breathe in the air level, and to play and socialise, maybe the same thing, at the boundary line beyond which humans cannot go without artificial aid.
It’s kind of the reverse and inside-out of life permanently on the beach. If we can get this straight, I/we can open a direct channel. They WILL come to people with open hearts.
April 4, 2024 at 10:08 amMaybe I should have asked ‘What are WE?’
It was always the Number 1 question, really.
Judy Nimer Muhn
December 18, 2024 at 10:53 amElva, wonderful post and I miss more …. hope you will write during this winter season (I’m writing in December) – read this a while ago and have been thinking through, praying about what you offered here. Wanting to tap into the whale archetype .. Love and best wishes, Judy