In India, it is said, the universe hangs on sound. Not an ordinary sound, but a cosmic frequency so subtle and all-encompassing, that it is the source of everything that exists.
The Cassini space probe sent back to Earth, sounds and pictures of the 6th planet in our solar system—Saturn. At the North Pole is a huge pulsating cymatic hexagon surrounded by a sphere and at the South Pole is a rotating eye. The images are bizarre to say the least, and when I heard the sounds of Saturn recorded by Cassini, it made my flesh creep.
Illuminati symbols
Is the eye at the south pole of Saturn, the illuminati’s all Seeing Eye?
On the back of the dollar bill, we find the all Seeing Eye and thirteen hexagrams. Is this a coincidence?
And in ‘whose god’ do we trust?
The hexagram of Saturn is the six pointed star found engraved on Shinto shrines, Buddhist temples, Islamic mosques, Jewish synagogues, Catholic and Mormon churches, Hindu monuments and Christian churches. No matter what the sect or creed that mankind is fooled to follow, the godhead is the same.
Have you ever wondered why the clergy wear black robes? Or little black cubes upon their heads?
Black absorbs light and is the esoteric colour of Saturn/El/Jehovah.
Notice the three six pointed stars above the head of the cannibal Saturn in Reuben’s painting. It is the mark of the beast 666.
Electro-magnetic manipulation of human DNA.
The cymatic poles of Saturn, broadcast electromagnetic frequencies and these vibrations weave the dark archonic spell that resonates on our five senses and creates our holographic world. The two polarities being broadcast by Saturn are amplified by a third point[the Law of Three] in this case the moon. The moon governs water and this is demonstrated by the tides and the menses of living things. Water is the carrier of emotion—and the universe is full of water. We ourselves are over 80% water and we live in an emotional dimension—and that is what crying and our tears are all about.
It would be a piece of cake, if you had the technology, and our little ‘gods’ do have the technology, to electromagnetically manipulate two of our twelve stranded DNA into a double helix and close off the other ten.
The frequency of the dual helix entrains our five senses into a tetrahedral, fractal virtual reality, called life on Earth, blocking out the other 95% of our multi-dimensional capabilities[the other ten strands of DNA]
Don Juan was right when he told Carlos Castaneda that the predators gave us there mind. This is the mind that is resonant to the control programme being broadcast from Saturn/ El/Jehovah, the cruel, despotic Demiurge and god of this world.
The Saturn Return
Saturn is geometrically attuned to the number 6. It is the 6th planet from the sun and Saturday the 6th day of the week is named after it. Hex-agram, hex means a dark spell or curse, is 666 indicative of an evil spell cast on humankind by Saturn? Saturn is the Lord of Karma and its attributes are: rigidity, domination, regrets, sorrow, old age, limitation and death. Sounds like life on earth, to me!
Some astrologers will tell us that the position of Saturn in our natal charts is a gift, showing us where our limitations are. Saturn returns every twenty nine years to the same point in the sky that it occupied at the moment of our birth, and affects us at the ages of 28-31, 56-60 and 84-88 respectively. This is called the Saturn return. My experience of Saturn has definitely not been a gift. My first Saturn return at age twenty nine was accompanied by a two year mental collapse, and the second at age 56-60 was a very traumatic and horrific time.
Animal farm: as above, so below.
So, what is the point of this miserable existence called life?
Hoping to find the answer, many take refuge in the opiate of faerie tale religions— and the nebulous promise of life after extinction! But no one knows for sure what we are doing here.
I was thinking the other day about why living things have teeth. I know it’s obvious, that we need teeth to tear our food apart—but I realised that Earth is one big feed lot. Everything has to eat to live because that is the programme.
The archons made us in their image, so it would stand to reason that they eat too. The question is: What do they eat?
I believe they feed on our negative emotions and our blood, just as their copies here on earth enjoy creating wars, killing creatures and feeding on their corpses.
We farm the poor beasts of the field and cruelly use them for food, vivisection, fur, entertainment, all manner of terrible things, and we don’t think twice about it—so why not have the same system operating on the energetic level.
Not a pleasant thought! But as above, so below! Inner becomes outer…..
Escape from the farm
Before we complain about being exploited by TPTB, we should first put our own house in order, and stop manipulating other life forms for our own ends. And most of us reading this missive, have done just that, or on the verge of doing it!
We no longer feast upon the dead bodies of murdered beasts…and by the same token as we progress along the path of light, we will begin to vibrate too fast for the machinations of the tribe of Saturn/El/Jehovah/Enki. They will no longer be able to resonate on our frequency and use us food.
De-programming the programme
After the initial shock wave of realization that our life is a lie, and after wanderings in the wilderness of nowhere for a while, we are called upon to re-invent the programme of ourselves, or become totally free of it—and we can.
The archons gave us their mind, and eventually it will be their undoing. We can create and they can’t, and all we need is the electromagnetic information they have stolen from us…and it is happening.
We can become the eye at the top of the pyramid of our feelings and emotions, and every time the pendulum swings towards dissonance, we will and are, making a mental effort to swing it back the other way. Fear always attacks us where we are most vulnerable and it takes practice to overcome the programme. When the next depressing trauma lands on your head, see how long you stay in the mood that it creates, especially when you are aware that something outside of visible light is suckling on your misery.
All this sounds so easy for me to type and you to read, but I know that everyday life is a constant struggle of polarity for us. If it were easy to escape the archon’s spell, we would not be here, trapped life after life in these squirming bags of water—and at the mercy of emotions that constantly swing from one pole to the other; from good to bad and back again with all the agonizing stages in between.
Inter-dimensional itinerants
I have a very strong feeling that I don’t belong in this dimension, and yet, I have no memory of any other life. But then, it’s easy to forget who and what we are if the frequency around us is controlled. The amplifying moon steals our memory at birth, smothering it with incoherent signals— the archon hex sets in, and self-conscious life begins, a spell that is designed to numb our senses and draw us to sensation. The hexagonal spell of our controllers is an all pervasive interference pattern, that we as spiritual beings have to overcome…and we are doing it, one heart at a time.
We are stepping out onto tiny stones and standing strong against the tide of ridicule and apathy that flows around us, but stand we must as trees against the storm, for every tiny step we take, brings us closer to a brighter, lighter world.
Stay in love with life.
Stay Tuned…
Heartstar Is A Series Of Four Books… One In Each Direction.
Only You Can Complete The Circle.
Read ‘Book One: The Key Made of Air’ And Begin The Journey.
Read ‘Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia’
Read ‘Book Three: Walking in Three Worlds’ NOW Available
Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia, and Book Three: Walking In Three Worlds. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @
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September 28, 2014 at 3:12 amYes, Elva, going through my second Saturn return right now. Thus far, no fun.
The six pointed star (Seal of Solomon, Star of David, whatever one wants to call it) is one of the original symbols of duality. The downward pointing triangle is the Delta, or symbol of female. The upward pointing triangle is the male phallus. The two merged are supposed to be magic, creation, life.
Hahahahaha. I groove to the sound of water (and DNA), 528 Hz.
September 28, 2014 at 3:18 amOh, nearly forgot to mention, there’s a really interesting take on 666 as the number of the beast. On the periodic table of the elements, Carbon’s number is 6. Carbon, of course, can be graphite, coal, diamond, or US. All that the mark of the beast means is that we are incarnate. See more on carbon:
October 4, 2014 at 11:02 pmThis is over my head in some respects,, but reading it is so true to what I believe,, Thanks
October 4, 2014 at 11:46 pmChange the inner to change the outer ho opono ono..
October 5, 2014 at 1:24 amSo true, Andrew.